SCGDC organises events and promotes further growth of Disc Golf on Queensland's beautiful Sunshine Coast. It's the perfect place to play regardless of the season - you should come and join us for a round.
Disc Golf is one of those rare things that's exactly what it says on the tin - it's golf but played with frisbees or, as we call them, discs. The equipment's cheap (a LOT cheaper than regular golf) and it's easy to learn for all ages and abilities.

You'll often find club members at Meridan Downs on Wednesday evening having a casual, informal game but the best way to get started is to come to one of our monthly Social League days. The club has discs you can use to give the sport a try, and there's always plenty of our friendly local players ready to show you around the course. Here's a couple of resources that can kick start your disc golf journey.
The Sunshine Coast has a permanent installed Disc Golf course at Meridan Downs Park, so you can get out for a throw whenever you want. Click through to find out more, and about other nearby courses.
Drivers, Midranges, Putters - if you want to fine-tune your game there's a whole world of plastic to explore. There's some great local suppliers that'll be more than happy to help you out with that.
Websites, events, free Social League for new players - none of it can happen without the support of our local players. You built the club, so show off a bit with some custom SCDGC merch.
- Mon, 14 NovTunnel Ridge Ranch, Landsborough
- Sun, 16 OctBlack Gully Reserve, Toowoomba
- Sun, 21 AugValantine Park Disc Golf Course
- Fri, 15 JulyHarris Crossing Disc Golf Course
- Sat, 25 JunePine Rivers Park
- Sat, 04 JuneCadogan St Park Disc Golf Course
- Sat, 14 MayMeridan Downs Disc Golf Course
- Sat, 09 AprMeridan Downs Disc Golf Course
- Sat, 02 AprCooroora Creek Park, Pomona
- Sat, 12 MarMeridan Downs Disc Golf Course
- Sat, 12 FebMeridan Downs Disc Golf Course
- Sat, 08 JanMeridan Downs Disc Golf Course